Thursday, February 03, 2005


I scored moderately high in the depression category, higher in the mood disorder category, and very high in the generalized anxiety disorder category.

Well, at least I have an excuse now. :-P

Actually, Thurman and Dan are both right. I'm glad that I finally got this step out of the way. I acknowledged a long time ago that I have issues, but I've never sought help in dealing with them. In the course of our preliminary evaluation and discussion, the counselor and I discussed the possibility that my anxiety might just be the result of my being a film student - it's not easy. Being a filmmaker is stressful enough, but being a poor, student filmmaker is probably twice as hard. We didn't discuss this, but I notice now that she checked off the possibility that I might have bipolar disorder. Interesting. I understand that I can go from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde in 3.4 seconds, but I never considered that I might be bipolar - just ... on edge ... frequently.

I have a full-length session with a counselor from Tisch on Monday and I expect that we'll be able to find some ways to help me work through my issues and get back on track. I haven't derailed, I don't think; but I have certainly taken a slight detour.


Blogger Dave said...

Now, if only we could get KATE to take this screening test. She might benefit from it.

2/03/2005 6:25 PM  
Blogger Thurman said...

hey, here for you if you need it

2/04/2005 5:14 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Thanks Thurman. The state of New York has apparently also decided to help lift my spirits during this usually unhappy month of February by acknowledging that gay couples have the right to marry (see today's post)!

2/04/2005 6:45 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Well, we all know Im depressed. Its no secret! Boo and hiss to being depressed, boo and hiss.

2/04/2005 11:52 PM  

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