Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Anonymity is a Crime

Before I post my IM conversation to Kent, who was away at the time, I will preface the one-sided discussion with this note: the script in reference is my science-fantasy action film which I'm writing for a Developing the Screenplay. Also, I will boldface the quote from the anonymous classmate so as not to confuse you at the points where I interjected my own thoughts.

RoamingJoker: I'm tired of pretentious film students reading Syd Field and telling everyone else how to 'properly' format their scripts
RoamingJoker: I write my own way, and if you don't like it, don't read my fucking script
RoamingJoker: You know?
RoamingJoker: So one person in Dev, who didn't attach their name to the copy of my script they gave back to me wrote this about Narabin:
RoamingJoker: "Dave, admittedly, this type of film isn't my cup of tea." - see, fucking pretentious condescending bastard assclown film student
RoamingJoker: "Dave, admittedly, this type of film isn't my cup of tea. In my opinion, this script sample is filled with so many cliches of the genre that it's hard for me to take it seriously." - something tells me they weren't going to take it fucking seriously anyway - "I think that there are far too many characters. In addition, they are caricatures and I cannot relate at all with them." - they fly fucking fighter jets and you drink frappa-fucking-cinos, fuck how well you relate to them - "There is too much of an emphasis on action -" - it's a fucking action film, shithead - "it's the people who make movies interesting and make the audience care."
RoamingJoker: I wish I could write an open letter response to the class for this, but since they already think I'm a little off-key, I'd rather not let them think I'm a psychotic bastard. However, this type of shit pisses me off. People hiding behind a veil of anonymity - even in a class of 15 people.

You know, people have said that I don't take criticism well. That's not true at all. I take criticism very well - when you come up to me and tell me what you think face to face. But when you write your notes on a piece of paper and don't sign your name, well, then I'm entitled to think that a person who uses condescending language - indeed even a cliche phrase - to describe why they won't like my script off the bat ... well, you can go fuck yourself and then you can go fuck your mother.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A total over reaction, very typical of your responses when you don't agree!

3/03/2005 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fuck yourself and your mother"...don't you think a simple stick my script up your ass would do just fine!

3/03/2005 10:05 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

okay now. I'm sorry that I have to bitch but seriously... if you want to be taken seriously, speak up, don't hide. Say what you need to say to someone's face and give them a chance to respond.I don't take criticism well when I don't agree (I'm working on it, though) either BUT I take it even worse when people say "You're going to react this way" or "This is how you always reaact." I can completely handle people disagreeing with me, but I can't handle not being given a chance to express myself when I feel I'm being attacked. Also, it's an opinion- don't act like a pretentious jerk just because you don't agree. It's okay to express what you think, but don't act like it's the only way TO think. hmmm... I think that somewhere in this comment I began to believe I was talking to Bush. Sorry this is so long, does it show that I'm going through some of the same stuff? Good luck Dave.

3/03/2005 9:33 PM  
Blogger Thurman said...

As with any work of art, people are always going to think that their preferances supercede others'. But every great filmmaker challenges the rules right?

And is it me or does it seem a bit rude that after you complain about an anonymous individual being overly anal about your screenplay, that someone criticizes your entry anonymously? I mean really, if there is anyplace that i would think someone can just be honest about whatever they feel, I wold think it would be here, and someone needs to make comments like above. I REALLY hope that was someone's joke...

3/04/2005 5:01 PM  

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