Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Sincere Regret

I was talking (as much as you can talk to a person who uses emotes and net slang in your communications exchange) to my sister tonight. The younger, dopey one. Um, dopier. [Love you, Kate! ;-)]

At any rate, I realized something. In my role as big brother to her, I think I've played the part with woeful inadequacy. I know very little about her, and what I do know I can't really relate to. In all things Kasey, I fail the test of knowledge. What little knowledge of her I do possess is rather ... general (birthdate, middle name, hair color ... um, natural hair color). Or else it's completely out of date (is she still dating Timmy?).

As far as I'm aware, I can't really think of many members of the family with whom I have so little a connection. It's rather upsetting and a bit depressing.

I have no idea whether it's due in part to the difference in our age (we're separated by 10 years, whilst Kate and I are 3 years apart) or if it's simply that, almost since the time we moved to Linthicum, I've been dealing with my own personal issues and haven't taken the time to bond with her.

While I don't believe that there's no hope of making something more meaningful out of our relationship, I honestly fear that there's a lot of opportunity that has been lost in terms of the things we could have done to better know each other. I suppose we should have paid more attention to each other while we still lived under the same roof.


Blogger Thurman said...

It's rough for siblings with such an age difference to really bond when they are younger. It can be hard to bond with someone when they are in such a different stage in their life, even as a sibling. My sister is 5 years younger then i and we didn't become close until i left for college. Now we're really close. AS time goes by, that age difference seems less, and I'm sure you'll become closer.

10/26/2005 8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI....she's not dopey.....she's a blonde(natural or unnatural)!!!

10/26/2005 10:02 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

No, she is dating Cordell...I think thats how you spell it. And she says she is going to stay blonde.

10/26/2005 3:57 PM  

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