Saturday, March 12, 2005

Post-Apocalyptic Brooklyn

As if portions of that borough didn't already appear as though they had been exposed to a post-nuclear war future ...

I spent nine hours last night on Krisztian's shoot - his color-sync film, Noise. We were at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was cold. It was wet. I'm fairly certainI've gone over this before, but if there are any two things I hate, it's being cold and being wet. And being cold and wet is worse. I was cold and wet by the end of last night. I had been standing so long by the time we had dinner (12:30AM), that my muscles ached from the cold and I could barely bend at the joints. The shoot was sort of fun, though ... I got to play a prison guard in a post-apocalyptic world.

The spread the caterers put on was fantastic, too. Salad, Pasta, Chicken, these wonderful green beans. Mmmm .... mouth is watering just thinking about that food.

I was up for 21 hours yesterday. 9 or which were spent in the cold on the water pretending to be an evil prison guard, wearing jeans and UnderArmour (which works well enough when you have other things over it, but isn't completely warming when it's working by itself). I got home at 4, was in bed by 4:20, woke up at 2 and I still feel tired.


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