Episode III Redux
I saw it again. Fantastic a second time around. All my grievances from the first viewing were silenced - though I still shudder at certain lines of dialogue. It was interesting ... it seems that lately I've begun to really like lots of things upon giving them a second chance - I suppose that's a good attitude to have, don't you?
Umm, a lot of terrible lines. A LOT.
Have to agree with Katy on this one. I, personally, am more interested in the acting portion of movies in general and I felt a little cheated by this one.
Then you cheated yourself. This film rides a wave of almost thirty years of mind-numbingly bad dialogue and mediocre acting in the other five films - you had plenty of opportunity to NOT see this movie.
Anyone who goes into the theatre to see a film with the words "Star" and "Wars" in the title and a subtitle including "Revenge" and the name of a made up religion of magic-using badguys and expects to watch a masterpiece of modern cinema is not just a fool, but they're a gigantic dumbass to boot.
It's a sci-fi action adventure. It was a space opera.
It was a melodramatic piece of over-acted cinema that was fantastic in its ability to shrug off current trends towards realism mixed with the audience's common expectation of a happy ending, leading it to a completely sadistic end of an entire order of gentle guardians and the construction of an insidious form of government that we all know will soon begin a horrible reign of oppression upon its constituency.
If there's any bad acting to be had in that story, it's on the part of George W. Bush. Oh wait, I was talking about Star Wars, wasn't I?
I mean, come on ... did you really expect that good dialogue and believable acting were suddenly going to shoot out of the ass of Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman after seeing Episodes I and II? And this is coming from the guy who is George Lucas' biggest defender - what I'm saying is you should really appreciate them for what they are, and not what you want them to be.
Because, as my grandmother says, you can put your Wants in one hand and Shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
I didnt read your commet, DAve, so I dont know if you went over this,but I feel like a lot was left out from the lack of dialogue. There was so much action, yes, and it was good, but i feel like the story was missing. His transformation just happened. I dont know, thats just me.
Although you were completely successful in ripping my opinion to pieces(You always seem to be successful in this arena), I stand by my comment.I am neither a fool, nor am I a gigantic dumbass- as you so eloquently put it. I simply was not impressed.The movie was poorly acted and skipped important pieces of the story. I'm a big Starwars fan too, Mighty Dave Richardson. This movie was over the top, though, even for me. So calm down. If I cheated myself, so be it.
Stating that you were "cheated" implies taht you were owed something by the filmmaker. You are owed nothing by Mr. Lucas. No one is. Recall my argument that the auteur can do what they please with their pieces of art and if you dislike it, that's fine, but don't ever dare to believe that you are owed something by them - even if you did pay $12 to see their work.
so like...i was cheated.
i drank so much cherry coke i had to get up to pee. i feel i was owed an intermission. :D
also, this:
"And this is coming from the guy who is George Lucas' biggest defender"
comes as a total shock.
also, no one held me by the lake on Naboo.
also, Jamie, I wish to enroll asa member of the "George Lucas writes terrible dialogue, and not just bad as in laughable, but so bad in fact that it actually detracts from his otherwise phenomenal work, leaving viewers with the impression that it isn't beyond his capacity to make it better, just that he can't be bothered to" Club. but not to open a can of worms...i liked the movie. /grin
Jay is starting shit again. ;)
Thanks Jay.<3<3
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