Tuesday, June 14, 2005

And the Hunt Begins

For an apartment, that is ...

We started the exhasperating process of searching for a new home today. It'd be nice to be looking for houses, but as neither JJ nor myself has a job that pays quite well enough to afford our own stand-alone abode, we're again relegated to seeking moderate-cost comfortability in the Paulus Hook/Newport-Pavonia area.

As our ears began to draw in the sound waves that carried the rising cost of apartments in the area, my brain began to formulate equations that show that in my current working situation, affording any - do note, I say here "any" - apartment in the metropolitan area is out of the question.

So it is with some regret that I inform you - before I inform them tomorrow - that I will be serving my two week notice to Sony, effective as of June 30th (two weeks, two days - just over two months after starting). It's both sad but necessary that I do this, as, while I may not enjoy what I'm doing, I am working "in the industry." A friend said, "Hey, it's a foot in the door." I happen to think it's a "foot in the door ... in the house across the street from the one I want to get into."

It's important now that I make money so that I can live here ... because if I can't pay to live here, I go back to MD and fail. Failure is not an option.

I will leave Sony and do what I need to do to survive here. Because failure is not an option.

I will write my screenplay and I will make my film and I will do whatever it takes to get my film seen ... because failure is not an option.

Leaving Sony is unfortunate, but necessary. If I don't leave, I may fail. And failure is not an option.


Blogger Michael Hines said...

Here I go butting my nose in again, but it IS possible to live here in a one bedroom for $600 each when you're sharing it with someone... You just have to be willing to live in something less than Cloud City.

Harsimus Cove, baby.

6/14/2005 12:19 PM  

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