Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Doubly Redundant

I'm working on the key city report, or the "redundant report" as I've come to call it. I'm taking information that is broken down by division and putting it into another format that breaks it down into the same divisions. This is neither exciting nor extremely important. This is not what I want to do with the rest of my life. If I don't become a writer or director, I would much rather teach than take a position where I spend my week doing stupid things like this.

All-in-all, the reality of what goes on in a distribution office is numbing insomuch that it surprises me how boring this type of work really is. There's the film industry and there's the film industry, I suppose. Very big distinction there. While a salary would be nice, I think I'd much rather take a job as a teacher in a film program than spend the rest of my days ironing out bookings for movie theatres in parts of the country I would never want to visit.

On a lighter note, I ironed a Stewie Griffin patch onto my bookbag, bringing me into a level of toolishness I don't think anyone I know would have voluntarily entered into. I think it's cool, though.

Since I haven't updated in about a week, it's worth pointing out now that I spent a few nights at the Jersey shore in an area called Lavalette. Brian had a memorial day weekend party and I got sunburned as pink as a pig on Saturday. While the details of the weekend are indeed rather exciting for me, considering that I haven't had a solid vacation in about two years, I feel that to retell the events of the weekend for you now would simply bore the living hell out of you. So I won't bother with that ... the sunburn still itches a bit, though.

I went to make adjustments to my screenplay last week, and haven't touched it since. The entire thing hasn't undergone any major change in over three months. If I plan on shooting in August, I need to get some work done on this thing - the problem is, however, that I have little free time in which I am possesed of the energy required to actually undertake such an important task.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stewie rocks, we are like brothers, tools but brothers...-Dan

6/02/2005 12:36 PM  

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