Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Finally Forced to Make the Change

No, it's no major life shift, but it's new all the same: Blogger.

Yes, Blogspot has made me upgrade to the new Google-owned Blogger. I can't see much functionality difference, but there are some aesthetic changes made to the blog management pages.

Ignoring that minor detail, here's to the real point of this post: nostalgia. I've made it through February, which typically results in my leaving a job if I have one at the time (I did, so I left). March and April will typically see me on an emotional roller coaster that generally works this way:

I feel bad, so I play music I used to like or old games that used to be fun. They remind me of old friends or simpler times when the worst thing going on in my life was just acne or that AP US Government report I didn't do. This leads me to a realization that things will never be that easy again, and I that makes me sad. I could end this with the never-funny "lather, rinse, repeat" comment, but you know that's how it goes.

Feeling good makes me feel bad. How unbelievably fucked up is that?

But I say this because I found something today that didn't make me feel bad, but reminded me how simple it used to be to solve a problem. I just thought I'd share that common memory with you.

Nowadays, you don't have to worry about the jumble of pixels on your NES, but rather the red Ring of Death on your XBox360. There's no cartridge to blow on, and if you tried doing half the shit mentioned in that article, I think it would void your warranty. My how times have changed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new blog? Send me a link so I can read and keep up on the life and times of Dave R Richardson

-Your Old and Still Good Friend Dan

2/28/2007 4:44 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

No, it is just that they changed this site to officially become part of Google. I resisted as long as I could. Initially, their layout for the management end of the blogger tool was really crappy. I didn't wanna deal with that.

2/28/2007 7:21 PM  

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