Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Writer's Block

My writing teacher last year used to say that writer's block was BS. He said that you sit down and you write. It doesn't matter what you write, you just write. Well, Joe, it isn't working dammit. I can't fucking write anything. Except this. And this isn't a narrative story. This is a random collection of complaints. FUCK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Chuck. Writer's block only happens after you start writing, I s'pose. I don't know for sure. I have an online journal that I write in on occasion. When I don't write, I don't consider it writer's block (grin). Anyway, here's a topic for you. If you were appointed a modern-day Noah, who would you invite on your Ark? Animals, people, whatever. Who would you not invite on your Ark? If you want to throw in a few reasons, that'd be fun, too. If one is honest about this, the answers may be surprising. You have a nice journal. Keep up the good work.

11/10/2004 9:43 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Well, firstly, if George Bush made any attempt to board my Ark, I would remind him that I have the right to bear arms and that court rulings have found that a person has the right to defend their home from intruders. If he didn't understand and tried to board my Ark, I would be forced to shoot him in the leg. I wouldn't want to kill him, just shoot him in the leg. Because when it floods, it will be that much more fun to watch him try to tread water with a shot-up leg.

I sat and tried to conceive of good story ideas, but none came. As it stands I have three unfinished screenplays and one short that isn't being funded and thusly appears that it won't be made for another two months - at the least.

11/11/2004 1:36 AM  

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