Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Taking a Page from Ms. Rowling

So to speak. Jo said she prefers writing in coffee houses or cafes - crowded places where she can disappear into her work. Figuring that perhaps the tiny confines of my apartment were no good, I went down to our large common room earlier this evening. Our large and unused common room. I spent a good three hours downstairs by myself at the large counterspace, my laptop opened and playing some new DMB LiveTrax; a pencil in hand, scribbling furiously the backstory of a sorcerer charged with the task of finding a hidden apprentice and a future king.

When I finished around 12:30, I had completed 5 pages of handwritten notes and had pretty much worked up to the point at which the original Dragonstaff script begins (the Prologue segment). Using this as the beginning of a larger story, I think I can work another seven to ten pages to round out the bulk of the story. I feel rather like I accomplished some great daunting task tonight. Once I flesh this all out, we'll see how everything works out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, youre so cute.

3/22/2005 11:26 AM  

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