Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I never intended that this blog be used as a means of keeping those people who aren't a part of my daily life informed as to how things are going for me from day-to-day, but it seems that now many of my family and friends use this website as a means of keeping track of me. This is really in direct conflict with my original intentions when I began this blog.

At the beginning, I had intended to use this space solely as a means of keeping my thoughts organized. It was a little more structured than creating some type of Word document, and it's easier for me to type than to write in a journal. Blogger seemed to me to be the perfect balance of form and function - relatively simple, but with an aesthetic that would keep me interested as I went back over the many months of posting to review my thoughts at various stages of my life.

As the months have passed, however, I've found that I have either a growing fanbase of people interested in the mundane details of the life of a novice filmmaker at NYU or get dozens of hits per day from showing up in the results of Google searches for "Halloween Names" and "Batman Villains."

This alarms me slightly because that shifts the nature of this blog into more of a letter home than a personal diary. At this point, I'm not certain that I will continue to post many more things such as The Interview, as those types of posts are more meant for my benefit than yours. I seek a forum in which I might confide the the quiet whispers in my mind - a place where I can speak freely without concern for who might see them.

I suppose now I will become a writer divided between this world - the light - and the secret forum - the dark. As often seems to be the case, I will embrace my own duality and become the person you see and the person I am inside.

I only say this because the nature of the posts on this particular blog will again begin to resemble the outgoing and enthusiastic posts such as About Me Questionnaire. I hope you aren't too disappointed.


Blogger Michael Hines said...

Maintaining a seperate, private journal, is what I do for thoughts I don't want the google spider to grap hold of (though I like to put pen to paper for that). It is possible however to creat a blog that only "members" such as just yourself can be a part of. I don't think you can for Blogger, but using Xanga.com you can create such a private blog.

6/21/2005 10:00 AM  
Blogger Thurman said...

As an (obviously) frequent reader, I apologize if my comments were ever...invasive or voyeuristic for lack of better words. Your entries always are interesting in their own ways. Its nice to know that there are people who are passionate and intelligent out there.

6/21/2005 6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave's Dad said:
The posts will be greatly missed as it gave us an inside look at another side of our son and was a great way for us to keep up with you....but we understand the need keep some things to yourself.
As always, Love, Dad

6/21/2005 9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ending your posting on this journal will not be tolerated. I may live in MD but I will have Vinne and Ron from NY break your legs for me. With no legs to walk you'll become bored enough that you'll post. Maintain another journal that is more private, get a melo it's very low key no one is on that site. However ending your posts here is unacceptable. I miss you and our time spent together in MD if this is all I have for now I'm not letting it go without a fight. -Dan

P.S. At least not until I move to warmer climate in which case you and JJ can become my room mates. Or we can both make thousands and own our own houses whichever works.

6/22/2005 2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny that you would say that about wanting your thoughts and ideas to be kept private and written only for yourself. I seem to remember someone giving me a lot of grief for doing that EXACT SAME THING on MY OWN personal computer. Mom

6/29/2005 10:10 AM  

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