Friday, October 14, 2005

15 Way to Tell If You're a True Marylander

15 Ways to Tell If You Are a True Marylander

1. you live either inside or outside the "beltway"

2. you think Easton and Salisbury are on the "eastern shooe"

3. Lacrosse is the only sport that matters in your life...period!

4. you call properly pronounce Cumberland, La Plata, Havre de Grace, Towson, Essex, Gaithersburg, and Glen Burnie.

5. your kitchen is permanently stocked with "Old Bay" and its not just for crabs, it goes on everything...i.e. french fries.

6. you have missed a week of school for 10 inches of snow.

7. you use the "foonee" to call "houume"

8. you refer to your city as either " Bal'hmer" or "Warshingtun."

9. you automatically add an hour on to your trip whenever you plan on drving the beltway between the hours of 3:00 and 7:00.

10. you were using the term The O.C. years before the show to refer to the best place on earth...Ocean City.

11. you never do anything for spring break at high school...its all about senoir week....if i have to describe what senior week is for you then your not from Maryland.

12. if you have had the conversation..."wanna go eat at Batemans" then your from Maryland.

13. your life almost ended when 99.1 turned to El Sol

14. your weekend is planed around shopping at the thrift store.

15. the easiest way to tell if you are a true Marylander is if you have ever ordered a "snowball" and been asked, " would you like Marshmallow on that?"

Found that on in a Marylander's group at NYU. They're so true. Also found this:

"I'm from MARYLAND. We're not from the South, nor do we have an accent. We're also not New England- we're the Mid-Atlantic. It's soda, not pop with my sub, not a hoagie. I go to the beach, not to the shore. It's DC, not Washington. We know how to use a traffic circle, and how to pump our own gas. We scream "O!" in the national anthem, no matter where we are. We live for crabs, corn and beer. There's no place like Maryland...."

Sometimes I miss home.


Blogger Kate said...

I remember saying how badly I wanted to leave. And now that Im gone, I truly miss home.

10/14/2005 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate's coming home this weekend....when are you coming home for a visit David?

10/14/2005 7:08 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

When are you guys gonna put money into my account so I can come home?

10/14/2005 8:38 PM  

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