Thursday, October 13, 2005

Shining (Links Galore!)

So, I have spent the better part of the night looking over websites and magazine articles about a story that I think would make an amazingly fun film (I won't tell you about it now, cause I don't wanna spoil it). And as usual, this has led me to about twenty different sites about forty other subjects. However, I felt that a few things were worth pointing out:

1. Shining - a trailer recut from the film The Shining and made to appear part of a different genre. Found at this site, which explains the full history of the trailer (uh ... i seem to have lost the link - will repost it when i find it - dave).
2. Giantology. To be quite honest, you have to go to the site to get the explanation. However, I will link you directly to a few cool things that the site links you to.
A. The giant skeleton is here.
B. And the other giant skeleton is here.

Just so you know, at the latter site are hosts of posts (sorry about that) that link to articles about, well, large creatures with no explanation. Whether they're true or misleading or complete fabrications, I think they're cool. That's the only reason I'm posting them - I think stuff like this is fun to read about. In the same way that UFOs are cool to read about. Or Michael Jackson. All these things might not be real, but it's fun.

At any rate, it's 4 AM and my head hurts from all the coffee, so I'm gonna hit the hay. Here's something for y'all to wake up to!


Blogger Kate said...

And indeed I do wake up to them. I get my shower and then come check your blog before its time for class. Pathetic.

10/13/2005 8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will no doubt be interested to see that there is a third giant video clip on the giantology website - this one shows a giant Inca statue in Peru - here is the link -

11/22/2005 1:24 PM  

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