Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Home on the Web

Soon enough, I'll have a new home here on the Interwebbernet; actually, BanjokerFilms will have a new home. The new website will be up and running soon, though with minimal content. I'll have a project-related blog on that site for updating people with information about my productions, thus leaving this blog open for a return to more personal insights into my life.

I'll keep you updated on that progress.

For now, I've hit a few snags in production:

1. NYU has just stumbled across a 6 month old accounting error on their part, leaving me with a $4,000 debt that must be paid off by graduation - in three weeks. They fuck up and I foot the bill. Makes sense in that S&M way. They like inflicting pain upon their students (the source of their income - willing little "education bitches," I think is the term) and the students don't mind being bound and gagged while NYU steps on their testicles with stiletto heals wrapped in ridiculously high numbers representing years of debt to partnered or affiliated banking institutions. I'm really no different - I'm simply hoping that the bruises will heal soon, because summer's coming up soon and I can't have people seeing the signs of abuse I've taken from my educational Masters. Wow, I can't believe I let that metaphor go so long. I'm really sorry about that.

2. Film Department Beaurocracy. 'Nuff said.

3. My funky ass schedule. I don't feel I'm waking up early enough to accomplish all the things I really should be getting done. If I told you when I have been waking up, you'd probably come to my apartment and silently creep to the side of my bed, awaiting whatever you feel is the appropriate rising time (be it 5AM or 9AM) with a shotgun on your lap; when that time comes, you'd then see fit to awaken me with a sure start - the sound of both barrels unloading into the cement ceiling (apartment complex - cement everywhere ... cheap flooring, too!). You'd probably be helping me out.

I don't know how to close out this post, so I'll make it easy on me and not fret over the finesse of my finale.

Um ... bye.


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