Thursday, March 29, 2007

To Catch A Hypocrite

I just caught about three minutes of the MSNBC show, "To Catch A Predator," with Chris Hansen. I'll have to be honest, I'm absolutely appalled. However, my anger is not at the deviants caught in the act (or, rather, I should say, entrapped in the precursor to "the act"). It's with the show itself. Such a program is exploitative - or, rather, sexploitative - using the target audience's inherent desire to hear about sex AND supplying them with a healthy outlet for condemnation of criminally ill members of society.

This shouldn't be construed as a case for allowing perverts to prey upon vulnerable youth; that's not my intention at all. It's simply my belief that, while these people are dangerous and need to be rehabilitated or punished (as fits whatever crime of which they may eventually be convicted), we have to ensure that they are protected from exploitation, too.


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