Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Occasionally There Are Those Moments

When I consider how long I've been here in New York and how infrequently I go home, I find that I am forced to question what things I miss about Maryland. I miss the quiet of living in the suburbs sometimes. I miss the openness of it a lot. I miss having space ... a lawn ... the pool. Camden Yards. Ocean City. I miss having a car and being able to drive.

But most of all, I miss my family. And right now, I really miss Kasey. I was looking at her MySpace profile and when I saw all of her pictures I realized that I know pretty much nothing about her life now. What she does for fun, and who she does it with; how she's doing in school; if she has a boyfriend I don't like. It's sad to think that I have little clue as to who my sister is - or rather, what she's become since I left.

I talk to my mom and dad, and I speak to Kate a lot. But I rarely ever talk to Kasey, and sometimes I wonder if she feels as unknowing of who I am as I am of who she is. I was thinking more and more about what it would be like to move back to Maryland. Among the few things that made be believe it could be a good idea was the notion that if I lived there I might have more opportunity to find out who my little sister is ... and that alone makes it seem like it'd be worth the move.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know if you want to come home, just do it! You don't need to justify it.

You know who!

8/07/2007 10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, she plans on moving to California when she graduates from high school. You might want to wait until then and you will have a roommate to go west.

8/07/2007 10:57 AM  

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