Friday, October 14, 2005

Oh My, Nastalgia Strikes

So, as of late my nastalgia has kicked in extremely hardcore, particularly in terms of my love for RPGs. One in particular - Final Fantasy (VIII). I love FF VIII. It's great. Great (FF) Eight. Yes, I know. Dork. Yes, I know. Geek. Yes, I know - Final Fantasy VII is the penultimate RPG and I am wrong for not mentioning how great it is. However, I never got into VII and I happen to think VIII is boss. Totally boss. I don't even know what that means. As a matter of fact, I might have just made that up. At any rate, nastalgia seems to follow depression and happens to be one of my greatest weapons in fighting the disease that is eternal darkness of a lonely mind.

So, to aid in the struggle against depression, I coaxed my sister into letting me borrow her PS2 so I could play my Final Fantasy games. I'm gonna raise my spirits 100 EXP at a time.

Go here. It's cool, I promise.


Blogger Thurman said...

HaHa, i really don't think i would have made it through the more dreadful parts of college without Final Fantasy. Nothing like a game that takes 50-90 hours to beat to kill a little time. I never could beat VIII though...too damn hard for me...

10/15/2005 9:52 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

You better realize that I am the best person you will ever know.

10/15/2005 8:58 PM  

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