Saturday, November 19, 2005

Oh ... Long Time, No Speak

Difficult to put into words, the last few weeks have been. Speak like Yoda, I must.

Um, or not. Sorry about that.

At any rate, I realize that half the month of November has passed without a single word on where I've been and what I've been doing. To put it simply, I've been everywhere and I've been busy.

I spent the last two weekends on a film shoot in Westchester and out on Long Island. The days were long and the weather went from really nice the first weekend to really cold the second.

I've been freaking out about my lack of money and the atrocious hiring concepts held by most retailers nowadays. Apparently part-time seasonal work at Macy's is from 6a-6p every weekday. Plus one day each weekend. That doesn't strike me as "part-time," you know? However, I've come to the conclusion that if I can hold out just a few more weeks without money, I'll be fine. All I need to do is make it through the end of this semester and, since I'll be finished with school, I can get myself a full-time job worthy of a B.A. in Film Production.



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... I know, that's a horrible joke. Actually, what I think will help me most is my internship experience with SPC. If I could have stayed longer, it would have been a bigger help, but two months with an major indie distributor has to be worth something, no?

Besides my money concerns, the only thing that really has me bothered about leaving school is the fact that I have two papers to write for an incomplete held over from last fall, two papers for a class this semester and a color-sync film that needs to be produced in the next three weeks. Or else I'm totally fucked.

I've got my work cut out for me.


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