Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today God hosed me. Literally.

I don't get to hang out with my friends from school all too frequently; they're all pretty busy and I ... well, I live in fucking New Jersey. So when I got a call from Kent yesterday (or the day before, I can't remember) asking if I wanted to hang out after work (his work ... I have no job), I jumped at the opportunity. He had to take a raincheck because he was working late or something, so we agreed to meet today after work (his work ... I still didn't have a job).

I spent four hours waiting in the city, two and a half of which were spent reading Teddy Kennedy's new book America Back on Track, which is a brilliant document that could outline a potentially highly attractive Contract for America-style platform for the Dems to run on this election year. Then I decided I should head up to mid-town, where I was gonna meet Kent. Being early, I stopped in at Virgin to see if there was anything that could help light ablaze the money burning a hole in my pocket (from graduation! yay money!). I found a few things, of course, and bought them. Then, knowing the time was appropriate to head to our meeting spot, I exited the store ... and was promptly pissed on by the Lord.

He saw fit to hose me good, and within ten seconds, I was drenched. Having not worn a jacket (it was really nice when I left the apartment at 11:15AM), nor having a proper place to hide my electronics, I threw my iPod and cell phone in my Barnes and Noble bag (from the earlier purchase of Kennedy's book) and headed for the nearest R/W train. Fuck this shit, I was going home. But as I walked to the nearest station, and as I rode the train to City Hall, and as I walked in the rain from City Hall to the WTC PATH station, I could only do one thing - the only appropriate thing to do in such a situation: I laughed.

I laughed at myself. I laughed at the sky. I laughed and laughed. I was cold and I was wet. But it was funny to me. I don't know why. It just was.

When I got home, I bought myself a replacement dinner for whatever Kent had had in mind, watched some television and sat around in my boxers. My pants were wet and the dye from my jeans left blue marks on my brand new Sketchers. But I really don't give a damn.

Today was great. And the best parts I haven't even talked about. The highlight of my day was long before the rain, and if I hadn't been made so happy earlier in the day, I might have sworn at the sky when the torrents of icy cold rain fell upon me instead of laughing as I did.

Thankfully, my days seem so much brighter now. And with good reason. Regardless of whether he's my First Mate or just someone else on the ship along for the ride, I have a sailing buddy and he makes the darkness part for clearer skies and sunlit journeys.

Life is good.


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