Strange Shift
Nearly since the time I first started using the Internet (around age 13 or 14), I have every year taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test to see how the various aspects of my personality break down.
And for years, I have always scored as an iNTj or iSTj (introverted, intuitive/sensing, thinking, judging). This seemed to be appropriate - the intuitive/sensing swap occurred the second time I took the test and has stuck since then. That it happened made sense once I started to really make myself more accessible in social situations (i.e., school activities like drama club). I became very in touch with the emotional states of the people around me and is likely the only reason I could remain friends with Angi. :-P (I know you're reading this!!!)
Interestingly enough, however, upon completing the test again - the first time in almost two years - I've found that a slight shift has occurred to introverted sensing feeling judging (iSFj). I am now a Protector Guardian, which seems to fit me much better now than the Duty Fulfiller. I no longer seek to achieve goals set for me by other people and instead attempt to attune myself to the needs of those people who surround me - friends, family, aquaintences.
And for years, I have always scored as an iNTj or iSTj (introverted, intuitive/sensing, thinking, judging). This seemed to be appropriate - the intuitive/sensing swap occurred the second time I took the test and has stuck since then. That it happened made sense once I started to really make myself more accessible in social situations (i.e., school activities like drama club). I became very in touch with the emotional states of the people around me and is likely the only reason I could remain friends with Angi. :-P (I know you're reading this!!!)
Interestingly enough, however, upon completing the test again - the first time in almost two years - I've found that a slight shift has occurred to introverted sensing feeling judging (iSFj). I am now a Protector Guardian, which seems to fit me much better now than the Duty Fulfiller. I no longer seek to achieve goals set for me by other people and instead attempt to attune myself to the needs of those people who surround me - friends, family, aquaintences.