Tuesday, November 22, 2005

An empty tablet shell may appear in your stool. This is harmless.

The title of today's post is one of the items listed under the Side Effects of Wellbutrin, a medication I will soon start using. Indeed, my long-term belief that I have had a lot going against me in the upper offices of my brain have been vindicated. I am, in fact, an ADD/depression-addled person. Truly, the one thing that my doctor and I discussed is that, while I might be leaving school in a week, treating my mental health issues is a viable option that will still help me, especially if I consider graduate studies. I can finally achieve the peace of mind I've always sought.

Monday, November 21, 2005

End of an Era

My college life will soon be coming to an end. I will finish the semester in about three weeks and, my incomplete work aside, my four years of higher education will be over. Other people - many other people - seem to find the end of college to be a sad experience, apparently; most likely because they're leaving behind their fun days and spring breaks.

I will be disappointed for one reason: college has been an unfulfilling experience for me on the whole.

I have missed out on countless dorm parties, Cancun spring breaks, drunken nakedness and photoblogs appearing several semesters after the fact showing that, at some point, I painted myself in school colors and ran around campus naked. To be quite honest, I'm bitterly disappointed about this.

I commuted to Towson for the year and a half I was there. The only year that I dormed at NYU was the first year after I transferred and I have since lived off-campus ... off-campus and not in Manhattan. I spent my entire time at Towson trying to get to NYU and the entire time at NYU trying to concentrate on making films that would get me to Hollywood. I never once realized that I was passing up uncounted opportunities to enjoy college like normal people do.

I've tried to assuage the grief of the loss of a potential social life by telling myself that my inability to defocus from my work was all for the better - that my efforts would lead to my being "successful" in my chosen career of filmmaking. But that can't be true because I've made, to date, zero films of any true value.

If I freak out as the semester draws near, it's not because I long for those good times in my freshman year; it's because I never had those good times, and I will carry with me no fond memories of drunken adventures and crazy vacations.

I feel as I have always felt - an outsider who either isn't invited to the party or doesn't have fun while he's there.

I've never been one to pass up an opportunity to offer my own sage advice to people younger than myself, so I obviously have to make this comment to those who might read this post and think little of it:

College is supposed to be a place to grow, intellectually and socially ... it's your own choice whether or not you do.

College is a time to find yourself ... it's your own choice whether or not to look for yourself.

College is supposed to be fun ... it's your own choice whether or not it is.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Oh ... Long Time, No Speak

Difficult to put into words, the last few weeks have been. Speak like Yoda, I must.

Um, or not. Sorry about that.

At any rate, I realize that half the month of November has passed without a single word on where I've been and what I've been doing. To put it simply, I've been everywhere and I've been busy.

I spent the last two weekends on a film shoot in Westchester and out on Long Island. The days were long and the weather went from really nice the first weekend to really cold the second.

I've been freaking out about my lack of money and the atrocious hiring concepts held by most retailers nowadays. Apparently part-time seasonal work at Macy's is from 6a-6p every weekday. Plus one day each weekend. That doesn't strike me as "part-time," you know? However, I've come to the conclusion that if I can hold out just a few more weeks without money, I'll be fine. All I need to do is make it through the end of this semester and, since I'll be finished with school, I can get myself a full-time job worthy of a B.A. in Film Production.



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... I know, that's a horrible joke. Actually, what I think will help me most is my internship experience with SPC. If I could have stayed longer, it would have been a bigger help, but two months with an major indie distributor has to be worth something, no?

Besides my money concerns, the only thing that really has me bothered about leaving school is the fact that I have two papers to write for an incomplete held over from last fall, two papers for a class this semester and a color-sync film that needs to be produced in the next three weeks. Or else I'm totally fucked.

I've got my work cut out for me.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

He's "Still the One"

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Fucking Networks

I'm doing research on television shows for a project due tomorrow (shut up, I know, fuck you, I don't wanna fucking hear anything about my procrastinating, ok?) and I've found something very aggravating about network television sites. They all have embedded videos that play shit you don't want to watch or hear, and sometimes there are no controls to stop it ... none. At all. You can't fucking stop the stupid videos - the "ooooh" clips that are supposed to contain some type of intrigue.

I'm really tired of stupid websites that are overabundant with flash animations and embedded music/sound effects/videos. A website is supposed to have function - not simply flash every color in the spectrum of light at you while throwing out horribly recorded or digitized sound bites of actors giving shitty lines about why the island they're stuck on has a big metal door in the ground that leads to an underground labyrinth of futuristic technology being run by dinosaurs. I don't want to see it, I don't want to hear it, and if I did, I'd look for a "Media" or "Sound Clips" section of your website - I DON'T WANT YOUR SHITTY SHOW CRAMMED DOWN MY THROAT, ASSHOLES!

That said, the layout of ABC's website is probably the worst - they are whores to online advertisement. Nothing classy, either ... I'm surprised I haven't seen a flash ad for the Fleshlight (if you don't know what I'm referring to, just Google it ... or trust me when I say that it's a toy for older kids *winkwink*).

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

For Posterity

I feel it's good to occasionally take different personality tests just to see how they differ from year-to-year. What is amazing is that, one would think that, over the course of, say, seven or eight years, one's results might change drastically as their mindset and opinions about life changed, right? Apparently, that's not so. For as long as I have taken personality tests, I've always placed solidly as an iSTj in the Jung tests and as a Type 3 in the Enneagram Test. The results are almost always identical, with minor variations along the line.

This year, however, the Type 8 seems to be creeping up on my standard Type 3. Interesting.

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||| 51%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||||||| 87%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||| 65%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 59%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 84%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||| 49%
Your main type is 3
Your variant is sexual
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

And ... Funny

You guys HAVE to check this out!

Oh, and this one, too.
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