Friday, July 30, 2004

The Coming Election

I was browsing through a message board a little while ago - one of many - and I came across an argument over John Kerry being less than pro-gay. It was rather irritating to hear people say that, simply because Kerry doesn't believe in same-sex marriage, that Kerry was somehow bad for the gay community. The thread starter said, "If you want a candidate that ACTUALLY supports the gay community, vote for the Libertarian President Candidate Michael Badnarik."

Here was my response:

Four years ago, a teacher I was very good friends with told me she was voting for Ralph Nader. I scoffed - "Why are you wasting your vote? Hell, I don't like Gore, but if I didn't want Bush in office, I'd vote for him." And she said that voting for Nader was not wasting her vote, it was sending the democrats a message.

Fine ... vote for someone aside from John Kerry. Send the Democrats a message. The message is this: "I don't want my rights ... let Mr. Bush take them from me." If you vote for anyone aside from John Kerry, you are handing the election to G.W.B. Four years ago, it came down to a few thousand votes in Florida ... what small state will be the next crucial battleground this year? Where will those "votes with messages" become the pivotal votes that could have saved our rights from the radical Christian Right - who believe that our entire lives are made up of sin?

Because that's how close this is. This election will become a war between which tenets of the American ideal we will honor.

If you don't think that this is the most important election of your lifetime - at least, so far - just look at the issues at stake: stem cell research (lives on the line), false war in the Middle East (lives on the line), terrorism (lives on the line), same-sex marriage (liberty on the line), the economy (pursuit of happiness on the line), education (life and pursuit of happiness on the line), health care (lives on the line) and taxes (pursuit of happiness on the line).

Your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are on the line. So go out there and vote, because it's not a meaningless election. It's not centrist vs. centrist - it's Right vs. Wrong.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Rainy Day Writing

Today was good.  Today was very good.  First I watched Ghostbusters, then I thought of a great idea for my film school friends and myself, then I wrote my color-sync script.  I completed three tasks (ok, so watching Ghostbusters wasn't too difficult) and I feel good.  You have no idea how hard it has been for me to write anything these past few months.  And now I up-and-write something I feel is actually WORTHY of being filmed for a project.  Fantastic.  Now I think I'm gonna go watch Ghostbusters II.

Monday, July 26, 2004


It may sound obsurd,
But don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed ...

If you could have any one superpower, what would you choose?  It really is a cliché question, I suppose.  Last night I watched Unbreakable (which I think is a great movie, btw) and today I read about a whole bunch of upcoming superhero flicks - Batman Begins, Superman Reborn, X3, etc ...

When I was 10 years old, DC Comics killed off Superman.  I cried.  The day the issue came out, I read it and I cried.  When you're a kid, you don't grasp marketing tactics or anything like that.  The notion that, in an industry that was growing darker and more mature, a company like DC Comics might be having trouble selling the old Boyscout just doesn't have any meaning to a 10 year-old.  All I knew was that one of my heroes had been killed.  And Lex Luthor wasn't responsible.  Of all the villains he had ever faced, the strongest being on the planet was killed by a crag-faced, grey rock monster. 

Why does this matter?

It doesn't really ... but I suppose that my choice of a career path has made me more aware of the horrible truth of Superman's short-term death.  The Man of Steel was not killed by Doomsday.  He was killed by DC Comics ... more specifically, he was killed by a bunch of guys in suits who believed that the fictitious city of Metropolis needed to be turned upside down big time to boost sales of Superman comics.  I cried because some people who probably didn't even read the comics voted to kill the Last Son of Krypton.

Nowadays, it's the executives in the production department of DC's parent company, Warner Bros., that have done the killing.  For about a decade now (probably longer), Warner Bros. has been having immense difficulty getting the Big Blue back on the Big Screen.  The can't keep a director attached, they can't pick a suitable actor, they can't agree on a budget, they can't agree on a shooting location ... the problems go on and on.  If you watch An Evening With Kevin Smith, you'll learn of the horrible guidelines set by producer Jon Peters for the story that Smith was hired to write.  I've read the script ... it's bad.  Not in a "wow, that sucks," kind of way ... the dialogue is great ... but more in a "wow, Kevin Smith listened to Jon Peters' guidelines?!" sort of way.

The fact is, if you get someone who can physically and emotionally act two different roles - strong and confident, and reserved and humble - you will probably have found your Man of Steel.  The Rumor Mill has been circulating many supposed "first choice" actors for the role of Supes, but to me, they all seem a bit young.  A fresh new face is one thing, but if that face still suffers from acne every now and then, I think the actor is probably just a bit too young for the role.  Superman should be someone in their late 20's-to-mid 30's.  He has to be a proper adult, but not exactly old enough to be my father.  Someone who can connect to the world of being both young and old - because that is his eternal story; he is the Last Son of Krypton, not the Last Man of Krypton.  He is a child of Fate - destined to be a protector of all that is good in our world.  The Man of Steel is the last bastion of hope for a generation of wannabe gangsters, reality-TV junkies and video game zombies.

If Bryan Singer stays on the project - unlike Tim Burton, McG, and Brett Ratner - perhaps children born in the last decade can believe a man can fly ... all over again.

I don't think I could ever choose one single superpower to have ... I'd rather be like Superman.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

In the Movies ...

Hmmm ... starting with this week's new release, The Village, the future is looking bright for cinema.  In just one week, we find WB tapping Bryan Singer to direct the new Superman film, George Lucas gets at least one name right for the prequels (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith! - because he didn't put "revenge" in the title of Episode VI, I presume) and some kick ass details from the San Diego Comic-Con about Batman Begins!

I love movies.

Friday, July 23, 2004

I Could Drown in All This Clutter

There's never a wish better than this
When you've only got a hundred years to live ...
Well, I feel a lot better this week.  It's not nearly as crazy here as it was when we moved.  It's such a bitch to move ... I'm never doing it again.  I still have yet to get a new phone, though.  That's killer.  Mine won't even recharge.  I've become more comfortable sleeping on the futon mattress, though.  And I've made a nifty little desk out of my round, orbital-ly folding chair and the black table we had in the common room in Lafayette.  All-in-all, I'd prefer some furniture, but I'm comfortable enough as it is ...

And something for Politiks

Given that, in a desperate measure to redeem themselves for failing so miserably last week in attempting to pass a constitutional amendment, the Republicans are trying so hard to pass some kind of anti-gay law, I felt it would be appropriate to make fun of them.


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A Long Walk to Somewhere Close

I walked to the mall today and looked for places to work.  I tried Electronics Boutique, B. Dalton, Suncoast and a restaurant called Dorrian's.  None of those places were currently hiring.  As I was walking home, I noticed a restaurant in a harborside strip mall.  It looked nice and was by the PATH station - like five blocks from our apartment.  I talked to the manager, filled out an application and I have an interview tomorrow afternoon.  It'd be nice if I got the job.  The restaurant has been there 15 years, so apparently they do enough business to stay open at least.  Which is promising ... hopefully I'll get the job.  I would like to work there.  Wish me luck.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Surround Sound and London Broil

We set up the entertainment center and Dave got his ginormous TV yesterday.  The surround sound CD/DVD package that JJ bought also arrived yesterday.  It's nice.  Today I struggled to purchase enough groceries so that we had fresh food in the house.  Dave has purchased furniture for his room and a $2000 leather couch and chair combo.  JJ is looking at desks and beds.  I plan on sleeping on the futon mattress for at least another 2-3 weeks.  And my computer will stay on the floor for now.  I have to get a job quickly.  Fortunately, I've found two or three different restaurants that look like they might be good places to work.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

New Apartment

Everything has been moved, finally.  After my parents left, we had to go back to Manhattan twice on the PATH train and haul back suitcases and duffel bags filled with shit that we left in our dorm room.  But we're done with that little island ... at least, until fall session starts.  For now we have furniture to build and unpacking to do.  I'll post some pictures from our apartment as soon as I get time.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

F&#@ing ridiculous

It's 12:18. John was supposed to be home at 2 ... 10 hours later, no John. I'm posting this, so obviously there are things that have yet to be packed. Like ... about 2/3 of the room. This is ridiculous.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


And this is an IM conversation with Dave, my roommate:

Dave: how'd your interview go
Banjoker Films: HAHAHAHAHA
Banjoker Films: Ok, so let me pre-face the interview with this story:
Banjoker Films: When I first moved here at the beginning of last school year, we went to this restaurant for lunch with my parents. A guy left the table next to us and left his glasses there. A busboy picked them up, and when the guy came back, no one at the restaurant claimed to know anything about the glasses. I told them that I saw a busboy pick them up, and they were FORCED to return the glasses because I saw the busboy pick them up.
Banjoker Films: Soooooo .... almost a year later, I get an interview at that restaurant. That interview was tonight.
Banjoker Films: It was a sketchy place then ... and it is a sketchy place now.
Banjoker Films: I went there at 6, like the manager told me to, and waited 30 minutes for him. He's a manager, he's busy; I understand. But when he finally came out, he was like, "Ok, you follow him and on Sunday I get you a schedule."
Banjoker Films: So ... no application, no resume, he didn't ask about my restaurant history, he didn't even ask my name.
Banjoker Films: Sketchy.
Dave: but you got the job eh?
Banjoker Films: I left.
Dave: lol
Dave: didn't suit your sensibilities?
Banjoker Films: Dude, he followed NO procedures for hiring.
Dave: this is tru
Banjoker Films: There's no guarantee I would even be on the schedule ... he could have forgotten, since I didn't have any paperwork.
Banjoker Films: I'm just gonna get a job in retail.
Dave: why'd you even bother with this place given its...history
Dave: retail blows, you'll make twice as much at a resturant
Banjoker Films: I dunno ... it looked busy
Banjoker Films: Yeah, I know
Banjoker Films: I've worked both
Banjoker Films: I'm gonna work at Chili's when it opens
Dave: so it's gonna be the gap until thn?
Banjoker Films: lol, I suppose

IM Conversation to No One

Banjoker Films: Hey
Banjoker Films: I didn't completely break my phone
Banjoker Films: It works, just not the LCD
Banjoker Films: And I don't know if it rings ... I don't think anyone's called me yet
Banjoker Films: But I can make outgoing calls at least
Banjoker Films: I talked to my dad and had a breakdown.
Banjoker Films: I don't know if it was a breakdown or a panic attack.
Banjoker Films: The one where you hyperventilate and your arms get tingly and you cry and yell. Whichever one that one is.
Banjoker Films: I feel better now, but my dad pulled a Richardson and just didn't deal with it. He told me we were gonna hang up and I was gonna calm down.
Banjoker Films: He told me mom didn't deserve to be yelled at, but I wasn't yelling at her
Banjoker Films: She yelled at me.
Banjoker Films: I threw my phone against the wall.
Banjoker Films: It's the first time I've lost my temper in well over a year.
Banjoker Films: But that wasn't fair because I've been using the last $10 I have on my two debit cards to purchase drinks and snacks for my meals for the last two weeks.
Banjoker Films: I have a job interview tonight, but I'm not gonna get money anywhere near fast enough.
Banjoker Films: I feel like shit.
Banjoker Films: You're not even here right now.
Banjoker Films: You might not even get all these messages.
Banjoker Films: This is sort of how I feel all the time ... like I'm talking to people, but they aren't "there."
Banjoker Films: Is this how life weeds out the people who deserve things? Is this being a starving artist?
Banjoker Films: I what, eat pancakes as my meal for the day because it is the only thing in the cupboards that requires only water to make?
Banjoker Films: I don't tell my parents this because I don't want them to feel bad
Banjoker Films: And I'm fine with it
Banjoker Films: Pancakes are great
Banjoker Films: But I don't want to be yelled at
Banjoker Films: I was yelled at by a summer housing agent today because I didn't understand that the bills for housing go to a different place than the bursar's office
Banjoker Films: I was yelled at by my mom because I tried to fix things by cancelling out my $2,500 of additional unsubsidized stafford loans to have them factored into the PLUS loan my father was pre-approved for ... so that I could cover the summer cost
Banjoker Films: My dad told me to step up my job hunt today
Banjoker Films: I have an interview in three hours
Banjoker Films: JJ didn't tell me he was coming back on Wednesday until two nights ago
Banjoker Films: I thought he was coming back on Tuesday ... we have less than 24 hours to pack everything up so we can move it.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Losing my mind

I've been cooped up in this damned room since JJ left. I went out and got a job interview at a cafe up near campus, but that's pretty much the extent of my outdoor adventures for the past four days. It's raining steadily right now, so I'm not going out, and even if I did, I have like $15 on two debit cards combined - no food for me. I made pancakes earlier. That's lunch and dinner right there. I might make myself some soup in a little while to top off the day's feast. I feel very pathetic right now. I can't wait to get out of this godforsaken dorm.

I've played Mario Kart, Final Fantasy VIII, watched some TV, listened to music, read some more of Robert Rodriguez's book (Rebel Without a Crew ... read it!) and have made about a billion celestial essences to sell in EverQuest. I need to get out of this room. I'm going to lose my mind. And suffer a stroke - all the crap I've been eating the past month without the exercise of at least walking to campus and back once a day must be bad for my health. Shit, I've had a constant headache for at least three days now.

The good news is that I accomplished one worthy task today - I washed the dishes, which had been piled up at least since I left for Maryland last Tuesday.

Much better

Ok ... sorry to put three in a span of just a few hours, but I had to make note of the fact that I feel much better now. I completed the first part of my treatment/outline (more on that later), and I talked with both Bill and JJ. Now that I've completed one of the really hard segments of the treatment, a lot of weight is lifted from my shoulders. It was a real bitch getting that first section hammered out, but it was most definitely the hardest part. I'm going to bed now, and I'm sure that no one is going to read this blog for the next month, until I have something really worthwhile on here. Whatever ...


I'm here in New York. John is in Florida. Bill is in Maryland. Angi is in Hawaii. The three people who are closest to me are all at least 3 hours away from here. I'm tired of being cooped up in this small room. I have no money, I have no job, I have no classes, no food, and no one to talk to.

However, I do have a job interview, classes resume in less than two months, and my parents will be bringing food when they come up on Thursday to help me move into my new apartment. Fantastic. Upside to the downsides of being where I am at the moment.

Take two of these and call me in the morning ... we'll talk later.

This is a test of the emergency blogging system

This is only a test. In the event of a real blog emergency, something rather dreadful might be posted here. Like the death of the two kittens I never actually had.
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