Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My Favorite Myth

My favorite Greek myth is that of the boy Hyacinthus and the god Apollo:

"The Story of Apollo and Hyacinthus"
(from Ovid's Metamorphoses)

There was another boy, who might have had
A place in Heaven, at Apollo's order,
Had Fate seen fit to give him time, and still
He is, in his own fashion, an immortal.
Whenever spring drives winter out, and the Ram
Succeeds the wintry Fish, he springs to blossom
On the green turf. My father loved him dearly,
This Hyacinthus, and left Delphi for him,
Outward from the world's center, on to Sparta,
The town that has no walls, and Eurotas River.
Quiver and lyre were nothing to him there,
No more than his own dignity; he carried
The nets for fellows hunting, and held the dogs
In leash for them, and with them roamed the trails
Of the rough mountain ridges. In their train
He fed the fire with long association.
It was noon one day: Apollo, Hyacinthus,
Stripped, rubbed themselves with oil, and tried their skill
At discus-throwing. Apollo sent the missile
Far through the air, so far it pierced the clouds,
A long time coming down, and when it fell
Proved both his strength and skill, and Hyacinthus,
All eager for his turn, heedless of danger,
Went running to pick it up, before it settled
Fully to earth. It bounded once and struck him
Full in the face, and he grew deadly pale
As the pale god caught up the huddled body,
Trying to warm the dreaful chill that held it,
Trying to staunch the wound, to keep the spirit
With healing herbs, but all the arts were useless,
The wound was past all cure. So, in a garden,
If one breaks off a violet or poppy
Or lilies, bristling with their yellow stamens,
And they droop over, and cannot raise their heads,
But look on earth, so sand the dying features,
The neck, its strength all gone, lolled on the shoulder.
'Fallen before your time, O Hyacinthus,'
Apollo cried, 'I see your wound, my crime:
You are my sorrow, my reproach; my hand
Has been your murderer. But how am I
To blame? Where is my guilt, except in playing
With you, in loving you? I cannot die
For you, or with you either; the law of Fate
Keeps us apart: it shall not! You will be
With me forever, and my songs and music
Will tell of you, and you will be reborn
As a new flower whose markings will spell out
My cries of grief, and there will come a time
When a great hero's name will be the same
As this flower's markings.' So Apollo spoke,
And it was truth he told, for on the ground
The blood was blood no longer; in its place
A flower grew, brighter than any crimson,
Like lilies with their silver changed to crimson.
That was not all; Apollo kept the promise
About the markings, and inscribed the flower
With his own grieving words; Ai, Ai
The petals say, Greek for Alas! In Sparta,
Even to this day, they hold their son in honor,
And when the day comes round, they celebrate
The rites for Hyacinthus, as did their fathers.

This is one version of the tale - their are several (as happens with any oral tradition) - but is one of the best. Enjoy it as I have!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My Justice League Film

*things to note - Kent is at work at Columbia Pictures, I am getting ready to go to my ultra-serious media moguls class. and with that, i present, my JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA film:

RoamingJoker: I think once DC establishes their main franchises, they should do a JLA movie.
RoamingJoker: They have Batman started, Superman in production, and Wonder Woman in the works
RoamingJoker: Plus the Flash, and I'm sure GL will be not far behind
Kent: i still don't see it
Kent: too many characters
RoamingJoker: Just those five
Kent: you write it
RoamingJoker: Want me to?
Kent: if you have a chance of getting it made
Kent: i don't want the task of having to deal with condensing those characters into blurbs
RoamingJoker: Well the focus has to be on relationships
RoamingJoker: Batman vs Superman, Green Lantern vs. the Flash
RoamingJoker: Wonder Woman vs. Aquaman
Kent: no fucking aquaman
RoamingJoker: lol
RoamingJoker: I knew I could get you there
Kent: how the hell do you have him help defeat the bad guys at the end
Kent: it's the rule of superhero team movies
Kent: everyone has to help
RoamingJoker: Hahahaha
Kent: use their powers to defeat the guy
RoamingJoker: A swarm of seagulls
RoamingJoker: Like the cavalry arriving
RoamingJoker: Superman: What's that sound?
RoamingJoker: Wonder Woman: I don't know ... it sounds like
Kent: (Flash rolls his eyes)
RoamingJoker: Flash rolls his eyes
RoamingJoker: GL: Seagulls!
Kent: (Green Lantern puts up a giant green middle finger)
RoamingJoker: lol
RoamingJoker: GL has to be Jack Black, though
Kent: superman will give aquaman some random ass task just to get him out of the way
Kent: like, they'll defeat the bad guy, and aquaman will show up with 500 pounds of kelp
RoamingJoker: Superman: Arthur, go to the bottom of the ocean. We need to be sure that the water there is very cold ... or the plan will never work.
RoamingJoker: Aquaman: But ... why do the water -
RoamingJoker: Batman: Arthur DO IT NOW!
Kent: quick! we need sand from the bottom of every ocean!
RoamingJoker: HAHAHAHA
Kent: green lantern! go get it!
RoamingJoker: lol
Kent: aquaman: no, this is somethign i alone must do
Kent: batman: godspeed, arthur.
RoamingJoker: Flash rolls his eyes.
RoamingJoker: Oh
Kent: he leaves, they laugh, and get on with things of consequence
RoamingJoker: We have to make the Flash gay.
RoamingJoker: He could be that flamer from Will and Grace
RoamingJoker: And GL is Jack Black.
Kent: no, he's gay and asian
RoamingJoker: Wonder Woman is Kirsty Allen.
RoamingJoker: Superman is Harrison Ford
Kent: so he wears a red masquerade mask and a gymnast outfit
RoamingJoker: And Batman is Adam West
Kent: alec baldwin is superman
RoamingJoker: Aquaman is obviously Sean Connery.
RoamingJoker: Yeah
RoamingJoker: Baldwin's better for the role, you're right
Kent: no i think aquaman should be genuinely heroic looking
Kent: everyone else is just wrong
RoamingJoker: lol
RoamingJoker: HAHAHAHA
Kent: richard dreyfuss is martian manhunter
RoamingJoker: James Earl Jones is Darkseid.
RoamingJoker: Robin Williams is Kalibak.
Kent: christopher walken is desaad
RoamingJoker: No, no ... he's Orion
RoamingJoker: Ru Paul is Desaad.
Kent: nono, robin williams is also orion
RoamingJoker: lol
RoamingJoker: Yeah
RoamingJoker: Perfect
Kent: in fact, robin williams is everybody
Kent: except batman
RoamingJoker: Of course.
Kent: i mean, let's get serious
RoamingJoker: But he provides the voice of the batsuit
Kent: yeah, the belt talks like in blankman
RoamingJoker: Batsuit: Batman, we're NEVER, EVER, NEVEREVERNEVEREVER gonna make this jump.
Kent: dakota fanning is robin
RoamingJoker: Oooh, good casting.
Kent: and she has a horse
RoamingJoker: You know what we need to do? Get a time machine.
Kent: because girls like horses
RoamingJoker: And get Moe Shemp to be Lex Luthor.
RoamingJoker: No, better
RoamingJoker: Keep Kevin Spacey as Lex (cause you need a good actor in there somewhere) and use the three stooges AS STOOGES.
Kent: 1970s era orson welles
RoamingJoker: Orson Welles as the Joke.
RoamingJoker: *joker
Kent: and we'll force him to do acrobatic fighting moves
Kent: he's the riddler
Kent: the clothes are tighter
RoamingJoker: Halfway through the movie, he has a heartattack
RoamingJoker: Yeah
Kent: gregory peck is the joker
RoamingJoker: Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon as Two-Face
RoamingJoker: We digitally cut them in half and past them together.
Kent: oh that's good
RoamingJoker: Yeah, the Odd Couple - in one body
Kent: i think jack lemmon should be the evil side
RoamingJoker: Well, Matthau's uglier.
RoamingJoker: But ok
Kent: so he comes across as more schlubby in general
RoamingJoker: lol
RoamingJoker: Arnold has to reprise his role as Mr. Freeze.
RoamingJoker: But this time, he doesn't have a suit to keep him cold
RoamingJoker: He has to use a big refridgerator
RoamingJoker: Tom Arnold as the Penguin.
RoamingJoker: So he could push around the refridgerator.
RoamingJoker: And there could be rolling blackouts that cause the fridge to not work.
Kent: no, arnold's feet stick out the bottom
RoamingJoker: And they could make inside jokes about how Arnold said he was going to fix CAHLIFOHNIUH.
Kent: they're going to have to make special theatres for this movie
Kent: the seats have special claws to poke you, hard, in the kidneys
RoamingJoker: LOL
Kent: and speakers to simulate children crying in your ears
RoamingJoker: Hahaha
RoamingJoker: And you can't wear shoes
RoamingJoker: The floor is a metal plate with water on it
Kent: and they coated the floors with popcorn butter?
RoamingJoker: And they occasionally give you electric shocks
Kent: the plan is to collect the tears from all the children in teh audience, sell them, and finance a musical sequel
RoamingJoker: Perfect.
RoamingJoker: But at the end of the film, Superman hasn't been involved at all.
RoamingJoker: He's been at home baking.
RoamingJoker: And the entire JLA arrives at his house after defeating the Rogues Gallery of Batman villains and the evil New Gods from Apokolips.
RoamingJoker: And they're all exhausted ... and Superman says, "oh, I'm sorry guys, I was so busy I didn't hear my emergency signal go off. But I baked you all some nice JLA cookies!"
RoamingJoker: And he sets down a plate with cookies with everyone's logo on it
RoamingJoker: Except Aquaman.
Kent: aquaman makes a fish-related pun, and superman punches a whole through his head
Kent: the end
RoamingJoker: Perfect.
RoamingJoker: Ok, I gotta go write that script now.
Kent: i expect associate producer credit at least
RoamingJoker: Co-Writer.
RoamingJoker: You think I can handle all the witty jokes myself?
Kent: i'll need an alias
Kent: lemme think
RoamingJoker: I'm clever, but this project will be huge - oh, me too.
Kent: most good names have a metal in them
Kent: and something ethnic
Kent: for the first name
Kent: i don't know
Kent: georg
Kent: ludvig
Kent: oh wait
Kent: akiva
Kent: that's a good one
Kent: and then teh metal for the last
RoamingJoker: Caleb Aluminium.
Kent: i think like, silver
Kent: or gold
Kent: gold - howabout goldsman?
Kent: i've got it
Kent: "Akiva Goldsman"
RoamingJoker: Oh, I was thinking William Goldman.
RoamingJoker: But that works.
Kent: you know who that is, right
RoamingJoker: Yeah
RoamingJoker: Both of them.
Kent: so close in name, yet so far in talent
RoamingJoker: LOL, we should use those names and write it anyway
RoamingJoker: And people online would be like, wtf?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Truth

We are not who we were and we are not who we will become. With every new day, we are a different person - for better or worse.

Sometimes, though, I simply long for yesteryear.

I held a picture of myself at age 16 up to the mirror and realized that the person in the mirror will never again reflect the person in the picture. It's just the truth.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

It's In My Nature to Hate You

Today I finally discussed with JJ the matter of my burning inner hatred towards ... well, everyone. And my stress and anxiety and depression. It seems to me that so many people just don't understand it. It is to them, what to me is alcoholism - incomprehensible. I just don't understand it, yet it exists in so many people. My depressions and anxieties are similar - more oft than not, there is no legitimate reason for them to weigh down on me so greatly, but they do. It's simply in my nature to be stressed out and angry.

On a different subject, my hands have been destroyed by the soaps and sanitizers at the bar. My flesh is cracked and peeling and it's unbelievably uncomfortable. Just another thing that makes me hate my job. I'm tired of spending countless hours making drinks and running food - my passion for creativity and writing and visual stimulation are not being fed, nor are my desires being fulfilled. I want to leave and get another job - even a shittier paying job at a place I might enjoy more.

On a related note, I found out today that I am not going to be getting the job with Sony Pictures' new development office because I had to leave my internship at Sony Classics earlier than anticipated. Yes, once again, my personal finances and choices relating so said finances have fucked me over; I either never have the money to do the things I want to do, or I spend my time worrying about how I'm going to get money to do the things I need to do, or I make choices thinking they're in my best fiscal interests and wind up finding out that to others those choices are a symbol of misplaced priorities. Apparently, I was supposed to not be able to make my housing payments so that I could stay on at SPC. That was apparently the correct path to a job I would actually want to have.

At any rate, it's Sony's loss really. Sharon (Badal, my professor in Producing Essentials, and probably the best teacher I've ever had at the college level - also, she's simply brilliant) said that one of the things she feels helped her in her time at Orion Pictures was her "eye for good films." She could spot a script or a potential acquisition that was just "it." "The one." I think I've got the same gift and I would love to do coverage for a major studio. I think I could bring a lot to the fold. But, like I said, it's Sony's loss, really.

I suppose that I should look for a new job in the next few weeks. However, PRIORITY ONE right now is Completing the Script for "Obscene Question." I need to have a completed new draft by class next Friday. With my entire weekend taken up by work, though, it'll be difficult. I'm notorious for finding some way of distracting myself from doing the things I really need to get done.

"Victory shall be mine!" - Stewie

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

For Those In Doubt

Yes, Superman Returns will freakin' rule.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

New Beginnings

First day of class has ended and I was unbelievably pleased. To be back on campus with friends. To be in classes that pique my interest. To be around so many hot guys. It reminds me of the reasons I came to NYU in the first place: the atmosphere, the education and my hot guy boyfriend.

Seriously, though, days like the first day of class make me feel really good - a vast improvement over the darker feelings that have gathered like stormclouds over me these past weeks. All things considered, I think I'm going to rather enjoy this semester.

I promise I will post pictures of the new apartment as soon as we can find the camera (and as soon as the apartment becomes somewhat more presentable!).

Monday, September 05, 2005

New Apartment

Alright, all is done ... we have moved everything but some mirrors out of our old place and into our new place. The new apartment is a bit small, but we'll fit everything in. That's what we're good at: turning small spaces into comfortable ones.
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